Team Caracache

Everything about the Geocaching exploits and adventures of Team Caracache:- Myriam, Paul, Xana and Maio.

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Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Sunday, February 25, 2007

My cache - The Enigma Experience

This cache is an urban one, within an area of less than 500 metres in Lagos. The idea came about when I spotted a virtual Enigma machine online here This appeared to lend itself to encoding coordinates for a final cache. Originally because of the difficulties in hiding a cache in town, and giving cachers a chance of finding it unobserved, i wanted the second cache to be a virtual cache, about which the cacher had to answer some questions to qualify to log the cache. However, I hadn't read the latest guidelines properly, and Garri, the reviewer informed me that virtual caches were no longer acceptable. A rethink prompted a list of questions which when answered gave further digits that led to a 3rd cache nearby where I had discovered a reasonably secure hiding place.
This cache requires Internet access, after retrieving the three-digit key at the initial coordinates, so that it can be plugged in to the Enigma machine. I fell foul of the rules of yet again when I innocently gave the coordinates of a nearby Internet café with this end in mind. Not too many people have Internet access on their mobiles yet!


Blogger Psipsina said...

This is one of my favorites urban caches.

5:35 pm  

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