Team Caracache

Everything about the Geocaching exploits and adventures of Team Caracache:- Myriam, Paul, Xana and Maio.

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Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Monday, January 22, 2007

My Cache -. Sudoku Symphony of the Serras

The Serras (or more correctly Cerro de Maduro) looking brown in late summer. Posted by Picasa

Above is a view to the SW from Cabeça d'Egua. This cache - another multi and conceived as a Symphony in 4 movements leads the geocacher from cache to cache by solving Sudoku puzzles and extracting the coordinates therefrom. It was inspired by Myriam's sudden interest in Sudoku, and my desire to lead willing Geocachers round one of my favourite walks in the hills to the east of Romeiras. The cache remained unfound for a long time, until a team of very experienced geocachers from Germany, Balla and Silly, came on an Algarve geocaching tour and cracked it. They also achieved another FTF of my Dictator's Dilemma, showing a tenacity and a willingness to go for the harder caches that is not seen by many local cachers.


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