Team Caracache

Everything about the Geocaching exploits and adventures of Team Caracache:- Myriam, Paul, Xana and Maio.

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Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Monday, January 22, 2007

My Cache - Tree's Company

An olive tree near Tavira reputedly more than 2000 years old

Unfortunately the magnificent tree above is not to be found in this cache, any more than the redwood which was the original photo in the cache listing. The original intention of this cache was to lead the Geocacher round some of the wonderful 'Arvores Monumentais' (Monumental Trees) which have been categorised and registered in the Algarve. However it became clear to me that as I had the intention of using 8-10 types of tree, the best examples of each kind would be so far separated that not only would I not get many takers for the cache, but that also maintenance and checking whether the caches were still there would be a lengthy chore.
Thus the compromise: I found eight types of tree all growing in a fairly compact area to the west of Porto de Mòs, and from these fashioned a 10 part multi cache. I already had misgivings as I have formed the opinion that many local geocachers have a preference for caches that only involve one set of coordinates and you can drive within 10 metres of them, however there have to be some caches that are worth working for!
So far two Teams have found the final cache - one complaining about the photo of the aforementioned redwood which was not featured in the real set of trees, and that there were too many trees , in the wrong order,and also that some of the trees were deciduous which made it trickier in winter- but I never said it would be easy - did I ?


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